Monday, May 26, 2014

Wall E

For starters, I love Disney movies. I think that the company does an amazing job at portraying great messages that are still very enjoyable for children. Wall E is interesting though because considering how few silent films there are right now that are very popular is few. Yet somehow Wall E was able to capture an audience and bring us into the story without words. Part of me is flattered by the fact that we can still enjoy something without it being spelt out for us, and the other part of me applauds the creators for being so artful and making something for the whole family. There are toms of movies coming out now days with the fear of what our future will look like into a movie, and yet this one made you feel a sense of love.

I think that the point of this movie was to not give someone else a job that you should have done yourself. The humans didn’t want to take responsibility for their own actions from destroying their planet, instead, they gave the job to the sweet little robots. Through blaming others or not taking responsibility for what you need to fix things simply don’t get done and laziness takes over. I feel that our main fear for our future is that we will be taken over by robots and become so utterly lazy we hardly notice the people around us. This movie (very subtlety) sent the message of putting down your phone and interacting with each other. I think that this is a serious issue that we face. I can’t have a dinner with the tv turned on or someone one their phone as we wait. This movie challenges us to put it down. I love that about this movie; that people were happier interacting with each other, and that the humans were all able to agree that they needed to change something.

                The switched love story is also inspiring because it is primarily about a women taking care of a man. Which is odd for a children’s movie, but I think that they tried very hard to be a little bit different than any other movie. It was very futuristic in that sense.  And I liked that. I liked how different they tried being. The film hit a lot of key points that people need to look at; not relying on technology, stepping up when things need to change for the better no matter how much work they need to put into it, and love comes from all kinds of “classes”. I usually do not like the “futuristic” movies, but they do tend to have a strong message, and I really did like this one. And it doesn’t hurt that Wall E is super cute and lovable.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Social Network

I honestly feel like the Social Network is a bad movie. I don’t like the “creator” of Facebook and how pretentious he is. I hate that he sues his undeserving best friend, and it doesn’t make any sense that the rich guys still get the money from Mark. The fact that Zuckerberg wrote those awful things about his girlfriend or that the lawyer saw something in him is all beyond me. I had the hardest time relating to this movie, even though it is about a very common and understanding thing-Facebook. I just don’t get it, and, maybe that’s the beauty of the movie because I feel like I need to watch it again and again to truly understand what exactly was trying to be said.
I hated the way Mark was so utterly infatuated with Justin Timberlake based on the way Justin presented himself. Mark betrayed his friend because of this man. I could not stand the fact that Mark swooped under his friend’s feet and sold nearly all of his shares in the company. Who does that? And why? Jealousy makes people do awful things. That’s what Mark did to his friend and that also what the rich twins did to Mark. Jealously can create evil.
The Social Network was confusing for me in the way that it relates to identity.  I have been lost at the idea that the Social Network and Brave New World relate to each other in anyway. So to keep it simple I looked at the way the characters acted in the movie. They all created themselves in a certain way through social media. One chooses how others will view them based on the filtered versions of our profile pictures and the info we add to our bios. Everything we add to our web page is what creates us in this “unreal” version of a new world.  In the same way Brave New world created each person and left him or her in that stereotype. Everyone is categorized into the places they want to be. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind

Genius. Completely and utterly amazing.  I have no other words for the work the director did. He is amazing, and my mind is so blown from this movie. I can’t imagine how he thought of the idea, and the placement was all spectacular. I also really enjoyed how the love story was more of a realistic love. I personally am such a romantic, but I am also (somehow) a realist. I believe in the snapshot date with the music playing and the golden glow filter were everything seems perfect, but aren’t those just the moments that we hold on to, to make the rest worth it. I am in a long term relationship where fighting and making up are definitely not foreign to either of us, but no matter our arguments aren’t the good memories what make it all worth it. The simple “paying the bills” or choosing who will take the kids home is one of my favorite parts. It’s all about the little things, the simple unique jewelry that makes a great relationship. Like Malone has said so frequently it’s not just the kissing in the rain, constantly exciting or dramatic love because there is no such thing. I like that at the end they realize and acknowledge that this thing wouldn’t last forever, but they would do it all again for the good times. And I think that anyone that has experienced a real love, even with a sad break up, would do the same.
Fortunately, that’s not the only thing that was great about the movie. I loved how they created this alternate world for him as his memories were being taken away from him. It was awesome the way  things slowly became less detailed as his memory proceeded to be taken away from him. Like the street signs changing or people not having a face.  Another intriguing part of the movie was how he was able to take control of it in a way. He and Tangerine fought through memories to try and keep theirs alive and it was interesting how it went from memory to memory. I liked that it was a thing that they were able to do together. I was also surprised that he made it so Tangerine was able to play along and he didn’t focus on trying to get Joel to convince her they were together, rather it was more about the loss of memories.
Next, I loved the placement of the credits. It was so great how it took nearly 10 minutes for them to role as if it was a short film, and then the movie proceeded. It held my attention the whole time because I was slightly confused and wanted so many questions to be answered constantly. It didn’t make any sense for a while how  they met for the first time at a beach party when we thought it was on the random trip Joel took. In the end we realize both were true because of their memory loss, and the credits rolled at such an odd time because what we thought was the beginning was truly the end. Mind equals blown.

Animal Farm

Animal Farm was a terrible book. I really just did not like it very much at all. On the other hand, I was learning about the Russian Revolution towards the end of the book in my history class and realized how good it actually was. I liked how every part of it, in some way, made into a simple and more understanding version of what they went through. Its easier to call the animals out on how dumb they were for following such an evil leader and yet we will make excuses for the humans. Some main points that I really liked and hated was Squealer, how boxer dies and the ending of the book. 
I don’t like Squealer because of what he represents. He is propaganda, and I hate that because of how much I hate propaganda. It is everywhere and in every little thing that we do. It makes me question what is told to me at school, in the media or in books. Consider this; in Russia Stalin put his power in the youth. He did this by giving a new curriculum, and to make it all about himself, to teach them about how amazing he is-to love him. Attacking the kids makes the strongest followers because that’s all one will know. They also show this in the book by Squealer always praising him, giving him excuses and changing the rules to fit Napoleon. The animals were only taught the good things about Napoleon causing them to have a blurred vision of who he truly was. 
The way boxer dies is infuriating because he always worked so hard for the benefit of the others. He would never give up and he pushed himself until his dying day. Although, the author did that on purpose to create such anger towards the way the animals were treated I still can’t get over it. This was all real. Real, good men were taken away to die without an extra thought. Men that worked as hard as their bodies would let them, and then a little extra. Stalin or Napoleon didn’t care about anyone but himself and may I just emphasize the reality of the situation that many people have had to go through.
Last, is how bad the book ended, talk about a terribly sad, and true ending. This is, in fact what the Russians and French had to deal with. One bad leader after another, and to think they were so close to greatness with Snowball, little did they know, because of all the propaganda they were exposed to, they could have had a fair leader.

All in all the premise of the book is very meaningful because of the truth to it, but I also feel like it should be pointed out to everyone else that had to read the book so that they understand what exactly was going on because it wasn’t actually that bad once the book is analyzed a little further.

Children of Men

Children of men, was utterly amazing. Honestly, it was not a movie I would have usually picked up because of how dark it is, and I do not generally like the "dystopia" kind of films. On the other hand, I am really glad that I got to watch it in class because I was enlightened to a new perspective of the film. There are things that some would not have been able to catch right away in it without stopping and discussing it a little bit. For example, the man standing on the box was related to real life. It was interesting how some parts of the movie were real, and not all of it was very far-fetched and “sci-fiy”. There were two scenes that stood out the most to me; the one where they part for the crying baby and stop fighting, but also when they are in the slums staying the night in that little creepy building.
The parting for the baby was very emotional for me because it is a huge reminder of how delicate youth is. I think in this scene I realized why the writer chose such an odd topic to make a movie on. I believe its because as an adult we try to shelter the hard things in life from the purest version of humans, children. Their carefree laughter, silly games, creativity and innocents all make us soft. We want the best for the innocents in our life. We try to protect or shelter them from the wrongdoing and anger others give off in the world.
Next, was the shot on the bus, through the slums and to the place they were staying. It was so interesting how he was able to capture not only the story we are following but give off so much information on the current state of their lives in the new world. I was intrigued with how terribly they were all treated for doing nothing wrong. Then, I realized how much history was behind it. This wasn’t fiction; many people were treated this very same way with nothing to be done about it. I am still amazed with the story that was told in the background about how you are tortured, belongings taken, killed and your body is burned. He was a genius for having the capability of capturing so many different things into a few scenes.
Another thing that struck my interest was how they killed so many of the main characters off. One would usually assume that Julian and Theo would have ended up together after their cute and flirty scene in the car. That gives it another very realistic flare to it that I hated and enjoyed at the same time.
In the end I am very pleased with this movie and one could take days explaining the complexity of its greatness. He put so much thought into every little thing he shot. This may be my new favorite movie because I am now aware of how ingenious it all was. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Inspirational Movie

  Freedom writers is an inspirational movie because its about the change and greatness of students. The basis of the movie is that their is a new teacher that is put into a classroom filled with "troubled" students. Its an interracial school and gangs, drugs and killing is not uncommon to that part of town. These students have been given up on and many don't plan on graduating high school whether or not they are dead or alive. On the other hand, this teacher wont by into the laziness of the other teachers. She supports and inspires her kids. I really liked it because I like the idea that there are people in this world that truly make a difference in others lives, and does it without an excuse about it being "too hard". A remarkable part of the movie is that its not all made up, it was based on a true story. This movie touched my heart because it followed the life this women led, and how she found the one thing that made her more happy than anything else in this world and she was doing a really great thing.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Movie Review

I honestly loved this movie, although that may be more or less because it was good for a movie in school. Nevertheless, I liked the obvious and cliche choice between the easy life with the Duke verses the harder life that she would be able to experience with her one true love.I liked this because it brought up a question that has still kept me wondering; will a women-in real life-choose her true love or the simple life with the Duke. Of course every romantic (myself included) chooses the poor writer, her true love, but what is the reality?  I will debate the fact that life is nothing like the movies and the right decisions are not always made as easily as they are portrayed in movies.Furthermore, I was the romantic when I packed up and stayed with my dad to have a better life for myself in a more loving environment for a year. But in the same breathe I made the mistake of wanting things to be a little easier and maybe a nicer school by moving back with my mom. I shamefully chose the "duke" over what I really loved. Thus the idea intrigued me. 
On a different note, the movie was about how "the greatest thing in life is to love and be loved in return". I think that is about how the Duke could have very well been in love with the girl, but was that love? While she didn't reciprocate the same feelings. But when someone does it should be rejoiced because its rare to have such a risk taking "all in" kind of love with someone like the main characters did.